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Popular types of wooden doors

Popular types of wooden doors

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about an interior door is that it should be wooden. And this is no accident, because wood is always associated with environmental friendliness, safety, comfort and coziness. And modern technologies make it possible to create real works of art from wooden doors.

Currently, there are several technologies for the manufacture of interior wooden doors. The most popular are solid wood doors. However, here, too, there are differences in characteristics depending on the selected material:

  •         Pine is the most demanded type of wood for the manufacture of doors due to its low cost and ease of processing. But at the same time, the pine massif does not really "like" temperature drops and high humidity.
  •         Walnut is excellent for making interior doors due to its interesting pattern, strength and ease of processing. In addition, the walnut solid has a low cost.
  •         Alder is often chosen for making doors because of its moisture resistance. That is why this type of wood is perfect for installation in saunas, baths, and swimming pools.
  •         Oak is one of the most durable types of wood. The high cost of solid oak is more than compensated for by its durability, excellent sound insulation, immunity to temperature extremes and high humidity.

             Other options for interior wood doors

Quite often, instead of solid wood, other materials and technologies are used for the production of doors: glued solid wood, hollow canvas, MDF. The main advantage of such doors is their low cost. As a rule, such doors can be found in hardware stores and other companies specializing in the sale of ready-made serial models. Unfortunately, such products are significantly inferior to solid wood doors in terms of technical characteristics: low levels of noise and heat insulation, fragility. For wooden interior doors to serve you faithfully for many years, make an order from the professionals in their field - the woodworking manufacturing company WoodMaker. We offer our customers the production of veneered and painted interior doors of any complexity and configuration.

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